Selasa, 20 April 2010

Perpustakaan Gratis Senayan Library

Download Senayan 3.12 Portable

Senayan Library adalah software perpustakaan yang bagus untuk diterapkan baik di sekolah maupun persewaan buku. Software gratis ini memiliki fasilitas katalog buku, manajemen simpan pinjam, daftar anggota, sirkulasi, reports dan barcode support. Kebutuhan minimal yaitu komp PIII, Ram 128 dengan OS Linux / windows, Local Server dan Web Browser. Mendukung beberapa pilihan tampilan dan bahasa, termasuk arab dan indonesia.

Dengan mencoba versi Portablenya, anda tinggal mengekstraknya ke C:\ atau D:\, jadikan folder senayan di root. Lalu jalankan start apache.bat kemuadian start mysql.bat, baru buka browser kesukaan anda dan tulis alamat http://localhost, anda sudah bisa melihat daftaf menu yang ada bahkan bisa mengatur dan membuat daftar buku dan lainnya. Sangat cocok untuk sekolah-sekolah bahkan universitas dan perpusda.

Ingat untuk Librarian Login, user = admin, Password = admin


Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) with thumbnail document image support (can be use for book cover), Simple Search and Advanced Search mode
Documents record detail in XML format
Bibliographic/catalog database management with book cover image support
Document items database management
Master Files management to manages document referential data such as GMD, Collection Types, Publishers, Authors, Locations, Authors and Suppliers
Circulation support with following features:
Loan and Return transaction
Collections reservation
Quick return
Configurable and flexible Loan Rules
Membership management
Stock Taking module to help Stock Op name process in library
Reporting and Statistics
System modules with following features:
Global system configuration
Modules management
Application Users and Groups management
Holiday settings
Barcodes generator utility
Database backup utility
Software requirements

PHP 5 scripting engine (version > 5.1, Senayan is developed under PHP 5.2.4)
GD support is enabled. GD support must be build with PNG, JPG, GIF and FreeType support (on *NIX system you can achieve it by building PHP with –-with-gd –-with-png-dir=/usr/lib –-with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib -–with-freetype-dir=/usr/lib and be sure that PNG, JPEG and Freetype library and development header already installed, check your OS/distro documentation on how to install them)
XML supports (usually this is enabled by default in PHP 5)
mysqli support
A Web server (Apache 2.2 is recommended)
MySQL Database server (version > 4.1, but we recommend >= 5.0)
mysqldump utility for database backup
GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris or Windows operating system
Javascript 1.5, AJAX and CSS 2 capable and enabled browser such as Mozilla Firefox 2, Opera 9, Konqueror 3.5 (include Safari), or Microsoft Internet Explorer >= 6.0
PDF document reader such as Adobe Reader, Evince or Foxit PDF Reader to view PDF document created by Senayan
Hardware Requirements

Pentium III class processor
256 MB of RAM
Standard VGA with 16-Bit color support
Optional : Barcodes reader to scan barcodes in circulation modules

1 komentar

  1. Anonim1:55 PM

    Kok ndak bisa di dunlud gan...

    kasih solusi dong... gan


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