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Senin, 28 Juni 2010

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1.000.000 eBook Gratis : Kumpulan Buku Gratis Wajib Bagi Kutu Buku

Catatan: Banyak buku dalam domain publik dapat diakses secara bebas di sini, serta beberapa buku lainnya berdasarkan persyaratan yang ditetapkan. Namun kami tidak dapat menawarkan akses ke judul hak cipta kecuali penerbit atau pemilik hak cipta telah begitu diizinkan.

Informasi tentang undang-undang hak cipta di banyak negara tersedia di sini .

Juga: Beberapa situs mungkin memberikan Anda iklan pop-up atau intrusi tak terduga lainnya. Pembaca harus menggunakan kebijaksanaan mereka sendiri tentang membuka pop-up. Perhatikan bahwa beberapa pengaturan browser atau perangkat lunak akan menekan mereka untuk Anda jika diinginkan.

Best free Digital Libraries - Australia

Adelaide University Elektronik Teks Koleksi ini terus bertambah koleksi e-teks - saat ini sekitar 1.500 - termasuk karya klasik dari Sastra, Filsafat, Ilmu, dan Kedokteran, web mereka sendiri. Edisi dalam HTML.

Repository Cetak E-ANU Dari Universitas Nasional Australia di Canberra, ACT (Australian Capital Territory). Holding lebih dari 47.000 item pada Mei 2009. Bahan dari Tahun 1967 tentang, sebagian besar, termasuk di dalamnya. Pengguna pendaftaran (ada tanpa biaya) yang diperlukan untuk beberapa bagian dari situs.

Mencari tesis PhD ANU? Pergi ke: http://thesis.anu.edu.au

Australia e-Humaniora Gateway adalah sebuah inisiatif dari Jaringan e-Humaniora Australia, sebuah kelompok yang didanai oleh jaringan Council.The Penelitian Australia termasuk wakil-wakil dari Akademi Australia dari Humaniora, University of Sydney dan University of Newcastle. Sebuah portal untuk sumber daya digital di humaniora disiplin di Australia.

Baru Australasian Digital Theses Situs Web portal menyediakan akses langsung ke versi digital tesis pascasarjana yang diselenggarakan oleh peserta anggotanya, yaitu 41 universitas di Australia dan Selandia Baru. Tesis yang dicari oleh penulis, judul dan subjek. Perhatikan bahwa hanya beberapa tesis mungkin tersedia dari era pra-digital. Dalam format PDF.

Cochrane Perpustakaan Berisi membantu, informasi otoritatif terhadap efektivitas perawatan perawatan kesehatan yang berbeda dan intervensi. Situs medis ilmiah memiliki keterbatasan akses gratis untuk Australia dan Selandia Baru melalui langganan nasional, dan dapat diakses oleh siapa saja berselancar di Web dari "itu". Au atau ". Nz" domain. Tempat yang baik untuk memulai riset Anda.
www.cochrane.org.au / perpustakaan /

Curtin University of Technology Institutional Repository (Espace @ Curtin) menyediakan akses ke penelitian yang dihasilkan oleh Curtin University of Technology staf dan mahasiswa pascasarjana. Lebih dari 3.000 item yang tersedia pada Mei 2009 meliputi materi dari tahun 1978 dan seterusnya.

Deakin University kelembagaan digital repositori Penelitian Deakin Online merupakan starter baru dari blok.. People itu berdasarkan Nama Pengarang, Subyek atau Community / Collection, atau pencarian dengan judul www.deakin.edu.au/dro/

epublications @ obligasi adalah sebuah repositori akses terbuka dan output penelitian ilmiah staf dan mahasiswa Universitas Bond, dan bahan & arsip sejarah tentang Universitas. Pada Oktober 2008 itu mencapai tonggak dari 2.000 item. Mengandung spektrum kertas akademik dari seluruh fakultas; jurnal ilmiah, tesis, dan koleksi foto historis tumbuh.
http://epublications.bond.edu.au /

Flinders Arsip Digital Ilmiah kerja staf Flinders, diselenggarakan oleh departemen / sekolah. Cari juga dengan judul, penulis, subjek atau tanggal. Dimiliki sekitar 3.750 item per Juni 2009. Seperti dengan semua materi tersebut, jangan melanggar persyaratan penggunaan, yang mengikat secara hukum. Dalam PDF.http://dspace.flinders.edu.au/dspace/handle/2328/1890

JCU ePrints James Cook University ePrints menyediakan akses gratis ke hasil penelitian dari Universitas James Cook staf akademik dan mahasiswa pasca-sarjana.Sekitar 1.400 item yang dimiliki pada Juni 2009. Dapat dicari menurut subyek, tahun, penulis dan publikasi terbaru ditambahkan. Pada PDF.

La Trobe University Research Repositori Meraih berbagai materi termasuk buku, bab buku, artikel, makalah penelitian / laporan, laporan teknis, dan bekerja, diskusi & makalah konferensi. Lebih dari 12.000 item yang tersedia pada Juni 2009.

Monash University Repositori ePrint The Monash University menampilkan Repositori ePrint dan arsip hasil penelitian kualitas staf Universitas Monash. Lebih dari 4.000 item diadakan pada Mei 2009. Holdings termasuk dua koleksi musik khusus, sejarah gambar Gippsland dan Bisnis dan Ekonomi makalah.

Proyek Gutenberg Australia menghasilkan buku-buku dalam bentuk elektronik dan membuat mereka bebas tersedia untuk publik sesuai dengan undang-undang hak cipta Australia, biasanya dalam teks biasa. Host sejumlah koleksi khusus Australia, termasuk Perpustakaan Australiana, Buku Terbesar Australia., Penjelajah Australia & Sejarah Australia.
NB: Menurut undang-undang hak cipta Australia,, dramatis, & musik karya sastra diterbitkan, dilakukan, dikomunikasikan, atau direkam dan ditawarkan untuk dijual di penulis hidup seorang dilindungi untuk kehidupan penulis ditambah lima puluh tahun dari akhir tahun penulis kematian. Setelah kali ini mereka masuk ke dalam domain publik. Beberapa e-buku yang tersedia di sini mungkin masih berada di bawah hak cipta di Amerika Serikat (dimana hukum setempat telah beberapa kali diperpanjang hak cipta untuk tingkat tidak diterima dalam yurisdiksi Australia) Gutenberg. Semacam karya karenanya tidak tersedia dari US lokasi Proyek.
http://gutenberg.net.au /

QUT ePrints Arsip kelembagaan makalah penelitian yang dihasilkan di Queensland University of Technology oleh QUT staf dan mahasiswa pascasarjana. Produk yang sekarang disimpan span dari 1970 sampai saat ini, dan ini tumbuh baru koleksi-cepat telah menyediakan sekitar 15.000 dari mereka (Mei 2009). Sejak tahun 2004 telah QUT kebijakan yang tersedia untuk umum dan output penelitian ilmiah dari Universitas harus disimpan di sini.

Penelitian baru Online adalah akses terbuka arsip digital mempromosikan output ilmiah dari University of Wollongong, Ini rumah lebih dari 4.350 makalah penelitian (Juni 2009). Browse menurut fakultas, penulis, seri atau istilah pencarian.

Sydney eScholarship Repository / SETIS SETIS (The Electronic Ilmiah Teks dan Gambar Layanan di Perpustakaan Universitas Sydney) dan Sydney eScholarship Repository mengadakan berbagai macam koleksi. Ini termasuk Sastra Australia dan Sejarah Teks (saat ini lebih dari 300 item, yang menggabungkan koleksi Ozlit sebelumnya diselenggarakan oleh VicNet). Ada juga lebih dari 780 Universitas Sydney tesis digital, dan berbagai penelitian ilmiah atau karya yang dihasilkan berorientasi atau disponsori oleh University of Sydney fakultas, departemen, sekolah atau pusat-pusat penelitian. Kelompok terakhir termasuk artikel, laporan teknis, kertas kerja, makalah konferensi , Audio / Video, dataset dan gambar. NB: Meskipun Anda dapat mengakses banyak SETIS terdaftar teks dari Web, beberapa secara komersial berlisensi dan tersedia hanya untuk pengguna di University of Sydney.
http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au / http://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/

UMER - University of Melbourne ePrints Repository Tujuan: untuk menampilkan dan melestarikan hasil penelitian University of Melbourne staf akademik danmahasiswa. Dimiliki hampir 2.700 item pada tanggal tertua item 2009.The tanggal kembali ke 1945. Untuk mengakses beberapa area arsip, Anda akan memerlukan pendaftaran pengguna (tanpa biaya).

UQ eSpace Universitas digital repositori's Queensland. Didirikan pada tahun 2002, mencakup bahan yang dibuat sejak tahun 1983, walaupun sebagian besar dari tahun 1998 tanggal pada. Termasuk e-book, e-bab, jurnal online, berbagai artikel, makalah makalah konferensi, dan proses, poster, aneka hasil penelitian, dan pra -publikasi (draft) material. Semua naik, lebih dari 80.000 item pada Mei 2009. Oai-compliant, repositori termasuk output penelitian akademik UQ staf dan mahasiswa pascasarjana, baik sebelum dan sesudah publikasi peer-review. Format yang digunakan adalah HTML, teks ASCII, PDF & Postscript.

UTasER University of Tasmania ePrint Repositori. bahan penelitian meliputi sejauh 1470 AD kini telah disimpan di sini, dan kepemilikan termasuk buku, artikel jurnal, makalah konferensi, gambar dan tesis. Ada lebih dari 2.300 item pada Mei 2009.

Best free Digital Libraries - NZ

Awal Selandia Baru Buku permukiman. Pekerjaan Maori tradisional tentang masyarakat dan budaya dan Inggris paling awal. Dalam bab online, termasuk gambar enlargeable. Sekitar 150 tulisan yang tersedia. Perlu diketahui kondisi pemakaiannya. Disediakan oleh University of Auckland.

Perpustakaan Digital Selandia Baru Koleksi yang tersedia meliputi dokumen sejarah, dan pengembangan informasi kemanusiaan, ilmu komputer laporan teknis dan bibliografi, karya sastra, dan majalah. Sebuah proyek dari University of Waikato, dengan berbagai cara dalam HTML dan PDF.
www.nzdl.org / cgi-bin / perpustakaan

Selandia Baru Pusat Elektronik Teks arsip Online Selandia Baru dan Kepulauan Pasifik teks dan bahan warisan - teks lengkap buku, naskah dan jurnal, ditambah gambar. A dan tumbuh koleksi besar. Anda dapat men-download dan mencetak teks dan gambar untuk pribadi sendiri dan non-komersial menggunakan saja. Berbasis XML, berbagai format mungkin tersedia.

Penelitian Commons - Universitas Waikato Sebuah repositori digital mempromosikan dan melestarikan output ilmiah peneliti di Universitas Waikato. Penawaran bebas membuka akses, untuk penelitian universitas. Holding hampir 1650 item per Juni 2009. http://researchcommons.waikato.ac.nz/

ResearchSpace @ Auckland ResearchSpace adalah sebuah gudang penyimpanan digital atau arsip untuk University of Auckland tesis digital dan bahan penelitian.Jelajahi dengan Masyarakat & Koleksi, Tanggal Edisi, Pengarang, Judul atau Subyek. Sekitar 3.250 item disimpan pada Juni 2009. http://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/

Penelitian UC Repositori Kumpulan tesis yang dipilih, artikel jurnal, makalah konferensi dan penelitian lainnya di University of Canterbury - semua dalam teks lengkap.An-akses arsip terbuka, berisi hampir 2500 item pada Juni 2009.
http://ir.canterbury.ac.nz /

ScholarlyCommons @ Aut (Putunga Rangahau) adalah pusat arsip dan repositori untuk pelestarian jangka panjang Auckland University of Technology dan output penelitian ilmiah dalam format digital. Gratis, akses terbuka untuk penelitian universitas. Saat ini berisi tesis dan disertasi yang disimpan dengan Aut Perpustakaan Universitas.

Best free Digital Libraries - World

***** Proyek Gutenberg
Proyek Gutenberg adalah perpustakaan digital gratis asli buku tidak lagi hak cipta. Jadi, Anda akan menemukan teks sastra klasik yang bagus di sini. Koleksi Gutenberg penuh sekarang melebihi 28.000 buku. Keseluruhan Pengumpulan merupakan upaya monumental dalam belum dibayar, egois, tenaga kerja sejak tahun 1971.

The Gutenberg filsafat proyek ini adalah untuk membuat informasi, buku-buku dan bahan-bahan lain yang tersedia untuk masyarakat umum dalam bentuk mayoritas komputer, program dan masyarakat dapat dengan mudah dibaca, menggunakan, kutipan, dan pencarian. buku mereka biasanya dalam teks biasa (ASCII) format.Namun untuk meningkatkan pengalaman membaca secara online Anda juga dapat menggunakan perangkat lunak pembaca lainnya (lihat kita Perangkat Lunak Page ).

Katalog lex Elektronik Teks adalah sebuah koleksi dokumen domain publik dari sastra Amerika dan Inggris serta filsafat Barat. Anda dapat mencari dan teks tampilan dari koleksi & juga mencari konten mereka, dan bahkan membuat on-the-fly PDF untuk membaca secara offline atau dicetak.
www.infomotions.com / alex

arXiv e-Cetakan Berisi e-Print "pracetak" dalam fisika, matematika, biologi, keuangan, statistik, ilmu nonlinier, dan ilmu komputer. Dari Cornell University dengan bantuan dari National Science Foundation (Amerika Serikat), National Institute for Theoritical Physics (USA) dan University of Adelaide (Australia). Format termasuk PDF, PostScript, dan DVI. Memberikan akses terbuka ke lebih dari setengah juta e-sidik jari.
NB: Ada situs cermin di Australia, Brazil, Cina, Perancis, Jerman, Inggris, India, Israel, Italia, Jepang, Korea, Rusia, Spanyol, Taiwan, & USA.

Athena Ribuan terutama Perancis dan Swiss-menulis e-teks, di berbagai terutama Sastra, Sains & Seni. Dalam. Html &. versi rtf. Juga banyak link ke karya terkenal di Jerman, Belanda dan Inggris juga. Diolah atau terkait untuk Web oleh Universitas Jenewa. Perluas pikiran Anda & pendidikan di sini.

Bartleby.com Ensiklopedia Sejarah Dunia dan The Harvard Classics antara teks bebas yang ditawarkan di situs ini yang memenangkan penghargaan. Banyak karya referensi klasik yang tersedia di sini.
www.bartleby.com / index.html

Penawaran kesukaan buku lebih dari 2.000 teks klasik gratis, plus buku referensi, biografi dan karya-karya penelitian lainnya. Dalam format HTML, dibaca oleh browser web Anda.

Bibliotheca Augustana A Latin e-library. Termasuk Latina Bibliothecae, Graeca, Anglica, Gallica, germanica, Hispanica, Italica, Iiddica, Lusitana, Polonica et Russica.Collectio electronicorum textuum paginae. Pengusul Hae Musa adiuvante di lingua Latina - ficta et facta.
www.fh-augsburg.de/ ~ harsch / a_index.html

Celt (Corpus dari Teks Elektronik). Lebih dari seribu sastra Irlandia, & budaya teks sejarah, di Irlandia, Latin, Anglo-Norman Perancis, dan Inggris. Disajikan dalam HTML, dengan database dicari secara online. Sebuah inisiatif dari University College, Cork, Republik Irlandia.
www.ucc.ie / Celt

Ilmu kognitif CogPrints Eprint * Arsip - Termasuk berbagai kertas di psikologi, ilmu saraf, linguistik, filsafat, biologi, kedokteran, antropologi dan ilmu komputer. Bahan tanggal kembali sejauh 1950, meskipun sebagian besar tanggal sejak tahun 1990. Beberapa bidang arsip yang memerlukan registrasi, untuk mendapatkan username dan password. Eprints * di sini didefinisikan sebagai teks digital dari peer-review artikel-artikel penelitian, sebelum dan sesudah wasit. Sebelum wasit dan publikasi, draft tersebut disebut preprint "." Para wasit, diterbitkan rancangan akhir disebut postprint "." Eprints dapat mencakup baik pracetak dan postprints, juga setiap draft yang signifikan di antara, dan update setiap publikasi posting.

Karya-karya lengkap William Shakespeare tapi puisinya minus saat ini. Memutar dapat dibaca baik sebagai teks terus menerus atau dengan adegan individu. Untuk membaca secara online, dalam HTML.

Sejarah Perpustakaan Universitas Cornell Monografi terdiri 441 monograf umum yang tersedia untuk melihat online sebagai gambar TIFF, untuk pribadi atau menggunakan penelitian hanya. Bahasa meliputi Bahasa Inggris, Belanda, Perancis, Jerman, Latin, Portugis dan Spanyol. A dragon topik menarik, termasuk beberapa ilmu.
http://dlxs2.library.cornell.edu/c/cdl /

Perpustakaan Digital Commons (DLC) Arsip sastra internasional tentang "milik bersama" (yaitu apa yang dimiliki bersama atau oleh sebuah komunitas). Banyak fitur yang berguna bagi pembaca dan penulis berkontribusi. Termasuk teks lengkap Perpustakaan Digital artikel, makalah, dan disertasi, Kertas Kerja Arsip disampaikan penulis-makalah, dan link ke referensi yang relevan. Berkat Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Asosiasi Internasional untuk Studi Common Properti (IASCP) & Graduate School Indiana University. Seperti Adobe PDF file.

Digital Library untuk Bumi Sistem Pendidikan: DLESE Lebih dari 5.000 sumber daya pendidikan dicari. Produk yang juga diatur dalam tema atau koleksi, luas sebagai lingkungan, geografis, geologi, dan lain oceanographical ilmu fisik; ruang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi; kebijakan dan isu-isu pendidikan dan filsafat ilmu.Sumber tidak diarsipkan di situs namun dalam berbagai koleksi berkolaborasi. Didanai oleh Yayasan Sains Nasional (AS).
www.dlese.org / DDS / index.jsp

Informasi Perpustakaan Digital Sains dan Teknologi: dLIST Sebuah gudang lebih dari 1.400 sumber daya elektronik di daerah banyak subjek, terutama Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi (LIS), digital Web disiplin dan Teknologi Informasi (TI). Berisi diterbitkan dan makalah yang tidak dipublikasikan, data set bahan pembelajaran dan membantu, pramuka, laporan & bibliografi. Sejauh ini hanya dalam bahasa Inggris. Pengguna pendaftaran diperlukan untuk mengakses beberapa daerah. Dalam HTML atau PDF.

Ebooks Perpustakaan Online Sekitar tiga puluh enam penulis mulai dari Aesop pada Sun Tzu, dengan representasi besar Arnold Bennett, Anton Chekhov, Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jack London, Edgar Allan Poe & Oscar Wilde, ditambah ukuran bagus dari Ambrose Bierce , Jules Verne, Jane Austen, Mark Twain &.Dalam HTML jelas sangat untuk membaca online, koleksi ini telah bersumber dari Proyek Gutenberg dan dipersiapkan dengan perhatian khusus pada kebutuhan tunanetra dan pembaca yang lebih tua. Anda dapat mengatur ukuran font & warna, atau latar belakang warna, dengan hanya satu klik di Pengaturan panel.www.readasily.com/

Elfwood Elfwood adalah besar, non-profit rumah bagi amatir Fantasy / Sci-Fi sastra dan seni, ditambah beberapa Bagaimana-Untuk Panduan dan penggemar seni.Situs ini memiliki lebih dari setengah juta karya seni dan sastra oleh lebih dari 35.000 Fiksi Ilmiah / Fantasi seniman dan penulis. Sebelumnya diselenggarakan oleh masyarakat komputer Swedia, Lysator.

Server Bit E pikiran flip mungkin berlebihan, tetapi ada tentu tidak bosan tentang ini besar (lebih dari 35.000) & koleksi kontemporer dari teks intelektual online & sumber daya. Berbasis di University of Washington. Link subjek digambarkan adalah sentuhan yang bagus juga.

Koleksi Elektronik Teks Link Sastra di Eropa Barat situs untuk teks sastra dalam bahasa-bahasa Eropa Barat selain bahasa Inggris. Bahasa termasuk Catalan, Denmark, Belanda, Finlandia, Prancis, Galician, Jerman, Yunani, Icelandic, Irlandia, Italia, Norwegia, Norse, Portugis , Rumania, Spanyol & Swedia.
www.lib.virginia.edu / wess / etexts.html

Elektronik Teks Pada Internet Sebuah link yang berguna Halaman dengan lebih dari enam puluh entri. Untuk beberapa bantuan cahaya, periksa Penghinaan Generator Shakespeare.
www.refdesk.com / factelec.html

EuroDocs dokumen primer historis dari Eropa (termasuk Rusia, Belarus dan Ukraina). Dipilih transkripsi, Faksimili dan Terjemahan. Disajikan sebagai: Prasejarah & Kuno Eropa, Medieval & Renaissance Eropa, Eropa sebagai Daerah supranasional, dan beberapa empat puluh tujuh yurisdiksi nasional mulai dari Andorra kecil kepada negara-negara utama ke Vatican City.

Europeana ini baru-baru ini (Nov.2008) sumber daya, masih dalam Beta, merupakan pan-Eropa ambisius proyek bersama yang didanai oleh Uni Eropa. Hal ini menyediakan link ke lebih dari 4 juta item digital di teks, gambar, suara atau bentuk video yang diadakan dengan ikut institusi Eropa (perpustakaan, arsip, museum, galeri dan lembaga penelitian). Situs ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan akses ke budaya dan ilmiah warisan Eropa melalui portal umum. Digitised teks terdiri dari buku, surat kabar, surat, buku harian dan kertas arsip.

Indeks Buku Besar Dari Aeschylus ke Virginia Woolf - link ke online karya, dalam terjemahan bahasa Inggris, dengan lebih dari 130 penulis klasik. Silakan periksa untuk pembatasan hak cipta (yang mungkin dalam beberapa kasus mengajukan permohonan selain membaca online). Upaya dahsyat dari Ken Roberts Ontario, Kanada.http://books.mirror.org/gb.home.html

Great Buku dan Menyediakan Klasik online versi HTML bebas dari penulis terkenal dari sebelum 200 SM sampai abad ke-20. Terkait dengan Amazon.com untuk korban cetak komersial judul.

Internet Classics Archive terutama Lebih dari 440 teks Yunani-Romawi, dengan beberapa Cina dan Persia. Oleh 59 penulis yang berbeda. Dalam terjemahan bahasa Inggris. Untuk membaca secara online, beberapa download tersedia.

Internet Public Library Lebih dari 20.000 buku online yang tersedia gratis. Internet Public Library Misi mengatakan: "The Internet Public Library (IPL), adalah organisasi pelayanan publik dan belajar / mengajar lingkungan di University of Michigan School of Information. The IPL Online Teks Koleksi ini berisi lebih dari 20.000 judul yang dapat diakses oleh penulis, dengan judul, atau dengan Klasifikasi Desimal Dewey ". Untuk pertanyaan tentang koleksi teks online, atau bagaimana untuk mencari, silakan lihat halaman bantuan mereka. Penggabungan pada pertengahan 2009 dengan Pustakawan 'Internet Index (nama baru akan diumumkan segera).
www.ipl.org / membaca / buku

Jurnal Gratis Baru Universitas Nevada Reno link menawarkan Perpustakaan untuk sekitar 1500 online gratis jurnal akademik, pada hampir 100 subyek.Diselenggarakan abjad. Sebuah sumber daya publik yang luar biasa. www.knowledgecenter.unr.edu / ejournals / free.aspx

Kurt Stüber Perpustakaan Online - buku biologi modern dan bersejarah Lebih dari 400 buku tentang subyek biologis, saat ini banyak keluar dari cetak dan sulit didapat. Sebagian besar penulis Jerman, tetapi tokoh-tokoh seperti Charles Darwin juga hadir. Dalam bahasa Jerman, dengan sedikit bahasa Inggris dan Perancis (beberapa karya yang cukup tua untuk menjadi dalam bahasa Latin). Online, dalam bab-bab teks atau sebagai halaman scan individu. Jelajahi koleksi oleh penulis, judul, kategori atau tanggal publikasi. Situs yang disajikan dalam versi bahasa Inggris dan Jerman.

MIT OpenCourseWare & murah hati Sebuah rencana ambisius untuk membuat semua Massachusetts Institute Teknologi bahan kursus yang tersedia di Internet, untuk download gratis. Bahan untuk 1900 program sekarang diakses (proyek (mulai pada akhir September 2003).. Bahan yang dalam bahasa Inggris, tetapi angka juga tersedia dalam bahasa Spanyol & Portugis Disajikan dalam HTML. Namun program mungkin termasuk file Adobe Acrobat PDF, Jawa applets, Shockwave, Real Player, Java, dan file MATLAB (perangkat lunak untuk semua ini dapat didownload dari situs Halaman Persyaratan Teknis). ini unik hadiah jauh sehingga dimungkinkan oleh MIT dengan dukungan dari William dan Flora Hewlett & Andrew W Yayasan. Mellon.
Kursus daftar di http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Global/all-courses.htm

Tekan Akademi Nasional Baca lebih dari 3.000 ilmu Akademi Nasional, teknik, dan teks kesehatan online gratis - lain untuk pembelian. Anda juga dapat membeli salinan mencetak jika Anda inginkan. E-buku ini mewakili krim penelitian US & opini kebijakan di bidang ini. Teks disajikan dalam sebuah dicari "Buka-" Buku format penuh, yang juga memungkinkan untuk browsing halaman & link internal. Buka Buku "adalah HTML, & apalagi format siap sehingga Anda dapat mengirim orang referensi setiap halaman sebagai URL.. PDF ini juga tersedia di US National Academy of Sciences menyediakan situs ini.

Jaringan Perpustakaan Digital Tesis dan Disertasi (NDLTD) Link digital tesis / disertasi USA tersedia di Australia, Kanada Eropa, negara, Hong Kong, Taiwan & itu.

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Dan Preston situs Infoheaven menawarkan e-book "Cara Beli Komputer Sempurna" bebas. Bagi mereka yang bergabung dengan mailing list-nya atau buku pembelian, item gratis lain yang tersedia. http://infoheaven.bravepages.com/DansEBOOK/PerfCPUindex.htm

Pemrograman komputer e-buku, pada berbagai macam topik termasuk ABAP, Java, Linux, Php, Oracle & Vb.net. In.pdf format. Perlu diketahui bahwa Anda harus bergabung di situs tersebut, membuat account & pasokan data pribadi sebelum men-download judul.
www.ebooknetworking.com Lihat juga www.downloadfreepdf.com/

Penerbit realtime menawarkan beberapa judul bebas berharga dalam Microsoft Windows atau. Menyala format Adobe PDF. ("Real-time penerbitan" adalah konsep posting buku sebagai bab / jilid yang ditulis, membuat up-to-menit informasi yang tersedia. Anda perlu untuk mendaftar untuk membaca buku - pengguna terdaftar akan diberitahukan melalui email ketika bab baru / volume ditambahkan atau konten yang ada diubah. Seri termasuk The Panduan pasti (bagi para profesional teknis), The Shortcut Panduan (untuk administrator sibuk dan pengembang), dan Konsumen Savvy Panduan untuk konsumen.

Gratis Microsoft Teknis buku. Courtesy of Microsoft Tekan untuk mempublikasikan Visual Studio 2008 & tiga. NET 3.5, buku pengantar pada Microsoft LINQ, Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX dan Microsoft Silverlight 1.0 tersedia di sini gratis untuk di-download, dalam format PDF.

Memasak & Minuman
The Cookbook USENET Main dishes, appetizers & snacks, bread/pasta, beverages, cookies or cakes, sauces, salads, soups, deserts, vegetable dishes etc. Vegetarian alternatives offered. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage. Copying is by permission of the USENET Community Trust or the original contributor. {Copyright (c) 1987 USENET Community Trust}.
Recipies at : http://recipes.eserver.org/ Be prepared for vegetarian bias in meat eaters recipes.

Or t ake a look at this helpful foodies page:

Tripp Central Karen & Trevor provide a smorgasbrod of food-related links. An amazing food heaven. From Amish recipies & ancient Roman Dishes to Young Robert's Cajun Food, it's all here. www.trippcentral.ca/recipes.htm

e-Cookbooks.net. A number of free samples are available from this commercial site, as pdfs for Adobe Acrobat Reader.

bebas domba resep Petani Petani Dave Dave adalah seorang petani pedalaman Queensland nyata - dan terakhir Australia kontestan Big Brother (2006). Situsnya berisi array kosmopolitan resep. Klik pada Memasak tab "Anak Domba" untuk mengakses (meskipun nama tab, mereka termasuk makanan penutup dan non-domba yang lain). Mum's Nya yang yang hebat juga.

Baru bangku bar dan banyak lagi. Bagi mereka berpesta di rumah atau menghibur, koleksi bebas dari resep koktail enak & bar terkait lainnya e-book mungkin hanya minuman Anda. Berkat berbasis toko Kanada, mereka disajikan di sini dalam format zip (gunakan WinZip untuk mengekstrak). Download dari:

Sektor Hukum Jobs untuk s Aussie
Baru Kejahatan menulis
Stiltjack One crime novel and one book of short stories are available here in Mobipocket (.mobi) format, from author Martin Cooper. The site also accepts submissions for (free) online publication. www.stiltjack.co.uk/

Current Affairs
From prolific writer Shmuel (Sam) Vaknin: lively, controversial musings on issues in economics, politics, the Balkans, international affairs, history, psychology and more. Download as MS Word, RTF or PDF files.

E-book publishing This fledgling e-publisher/bookstore also offers some free inspirational/New Age titles, free covers for e-authors & a free e-book on drawing. In PDF at:

Economics The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) "groups 30 member countries sharing a commitment to democratic government and the market economy", and does extensive economic and social research. You can get some summary information from OECD publications free here (or pay for full texts as .pdf downloads, or order print copies from their bookshop).


Christo's lucky Dip English Teacher Resources Free text worksheets downloadable in Microsoft Word (.doc) format. This Australian site also includes many useful education links & other resources for secondary school teachers.

As a protest against the exorbitant price of many textbooks, California Institute of Technology economist R. Preston McAfee has written his own free PDF e- text, Introduction to Economic Analysis (it can also be bought in printed form for a relatively modest US$30). Get it by clicking:
www.mcafee.cc/Introecon/IEA.pd f NB: This is a direct download - no preliminary page.

Electronics ee.com A free technical library and professional community for electrical and electronics engineers. Contains over 5,600 documents in a variety of forms. Qualified contributions welcome. Resource areas include aerospace, analogue and digital design, biomedical technology, computer engineering, consumer electronics, digital signal processing, dsp, electric power, microprocessors, nanotechnology, magnetic & electro physics, jobs, meeting, business, research and development, semiconductors, telecommunication, vlsi. In PDF & PostScript. Members need to register, but visitors are also welcomed.

English language reference

English dictionary for Word Games. Over 320,000 references & still growing, with both US and British spellings. On this minimalist (no frills) website you can look up words alphabetically or by search. From Mike Harding.

English to American Dictionary . Prepared by a Scot who has spent some time in the USA, this fine work helps puzzled British English speaking people understand American expressions better, and vice versa.

Etymology. The Online Etymology Dictionary. In HTML. This valuable, attractively presented resource is from historian and author Douglas Harper.

New Macmillan Dictionary. This helpful offering from the major publisher Macmillans provides a search box facility where you can find the meaning of any word in the English language. There's also an "Open Dictionary" feature for suggesting new expressions you believe are currently in use, and a blog for general English language comments. At: www.macmillandictionary.com

English Literature and Classics

BookGlutton A "social reading" website with unique features, like contextual chat. Registration required. You can select a book or join a group reading a particular title (there are over 1,000 mostly classic titles available, including lots of sci-fi). For online reading only, in HTML. The reader interface can now can be resized to fit a wide range of screen sizes.

Elibron Over one thousand titles online in plain text, in English and nineteen other European languages. Also versions for PC/Mac or for Palm, Visor & PocketPC. Free, with paperback and other versions also available for purchase.

Free Online Books Another reader participation site, offering over 5,000 public domain titles. Books are online in chapters in plain text, searchable by author, title, genre or keyword. Shades of freemasonry, registration enables progression from a baseline "Reader" through 20 increasingly exalted ranks, with bonus privileges along the way. Grade three gets you 'Booklover" - alas, no thirty-third degree. www.freeonlinebooks.org/

Literature Post A collection of 825 classic books, plays, stories and poems for online reading.
Over seventy authors are represented. In plain text.

NewFreeBooks New e-books released free online by their own authors. Genres include mystery, romance, saga, self-help & historical novels. Please respect any usage guidelines.

PublicBookshelf Free romance novels, mystery, horror stories and more. Some non-fiction. Classics and some modern works. For online reading in chapters. Author opportunities too.

Virtual Imprint A select catalogue of free original and classic fiction. Available for download in
MS Reader, Adobe Reader ( PDF), or to read online in your Web browser (in their Virtual Imprint WebBook format - a simple but bookmarkable double page layout. IE 5+ recommended). Mereka
home page also offers an array of purchasable services for bibliophiles.
www.virtualimprint.com/catalog.shtm l

Shmoop A resource for students and perhaps a crib for teachers too, especially for writing and evaluating essays and book reviews in literature, poetry, and history. Still in beta and a bit slick & facile, but useful for gaining ideas you can enlarge upon.

A number of famous Irish literary works available free to download as text or RTF files, also some
HTML short stories to read online. Yes, all of the following famous "English" authors were actually Irish - George Bernard Shaw, Bram Stoker (author of Dracula ), Jonathan Swift, JMSynge, Oscar Wilde.

Brennan Emerson's short stories, philosophy, and some poetry as the title King Marcine . Available as a free download, or purchase a print copy, at:

The Literary Encyclopedia More than a thousand scholars have contributed to this huge
Web reference work, focused on literature in English. With nearly three thousand entries, and well
over 5 million words, there's any amount to learn here about writers, literary works and literary topics, plus numerous links to more. And they throw in a bit of a Books-in-print too!


Online Botanical Illustrations For plant & garden lovers and home craft enthusiasts. This lavishly illustrated short book also contains a wealth of supporting hyperlinks. It's a 1.1 MB PDF file. www.moplants.com/eBooks.php

General Reference

AllRefer.com Provides a free encyclopedia (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, from the Columbia University Press) & gazetteer, medical encyclopedia & other valuable reference resources.
Thousands of articles available here in HTML, with useful links to related topics.

Dictionaries of 14 languages - English, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew,Italian, Japanese, Latin, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish &Vietnamese. Also specialised dictionaries including Computers, Law, Science; even Bible, rhyming, dream interpretation and slang dictionaries.


Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe
How have the states of Europe changed from century to century in the last two millenniums?
Check it out in the 21 maps of this atlas. Some interesting Roman features too.

Free history and philosophy audio books, in mp3 format. Broaden your horizons on your ipod or other Mp3 player These range from Plato to Karl Marx, with an emphasis on works by or on famous American figures from yesteryear. The site name comes from Benjamin Franklin's literary club, called The Junto.

New Home & Furnishings

This US site offers quality furniture at keen discount prices. Check the listing below for their free e-books, including an Illustrated History of Furniture (in HTML for your browser), and other goodies to come.

How-To Books

James Abela Mini-Guides
How to write a report; do academic study; and design a good presentation With PowerPoint. Three useful free "Guides to" mini-books. As PDFs to download, with summaries online. Other helpful links too. Thanks, James.
www.jamesabela.co.uk/bus/PowerPoint.htm l

How To Books (formerl y Webooks )
This UK website offers over 150 useful free e-books, for reading online in chapters in HTML. Topics are in the business, education, finance, lifestyle, property and travel areas. They also sell PDF download versions, and printed copies. Brief related articles are featured for many of the books.

Internet Marketing
Sally's ebooks has free Internet marketing e-books, plus a few sweeteners (literally so, eg chocolate, ice-cream & pudding recipes). Presented as zipped files for downloading and reading offline. www.sallys-ebooks.co.uk/royal/down.html

This recent site is heavily 'web biz promotional' in nature, but has a limited though interesting range of titles from more than three dozen genres. Registration required to access books. Download books as PDFs, zip files and RAR archives.

New Law

Cari sebuah Jaksa
This useful American legal site is currently developing a list of (US focused) law related e-book sites, featuring resources tailored to both legal professionals and those simply looking for more information about the US legal system. Check the listings for promised free e-books, coming soon, at:

The Electronic Library of Mathematics contains free online journals, article collections, and
monographs in the field of mathematics. View on-line or download as .pdfs for offline use.

MathWorld. A comprehensive and interactive mathematics encyclopedia intended for students, educators, maths enthusiasts and researchers. Claimed to be the Web's most complete maths resource.

"Pseudocolor in Pure and Applied Mathematics", a free on-line e-book in progress with source code by Douglas C. Youvan. In HTML for your Web browser.
www.youvan.com/ , mirrored at www.pseudocolor.com/

Mathematics e-books, free under restricted licence. Please read the terms and conditions carefully. Free to students using these books for their own study, or for teachers under certain limited circumstances (payment required otherwise). Titles include Basic Concepts of Mathematics , Mathematical Analysis I , & An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers . As PDFs. www.trillia.com/products.html

NewsSciTech/Radio Frequency e-Books This helpful site provides around 30 PDF ( for Adobe Reader) downloads of mathematics books. Topics include Algebra, Calculus, Probability and Numbers theory and more.


Medical Dictionary Online. "A free online medical dictionary search engine for definitions of medical terminology, pharmaceutical drugs, healthcare equipment, health conditions, medical devices, specialty terms and medical abbreviations." Note that definitions are brief, and should only be considered as a launching pad for further research. A handy resource, but self-diagnosers should note the disclaimer.

Medical Encyclopedia An online medical and health encyclopedia containing information on over 1,500 topics, including conditions, diseases, injuries, nutrition, surgeries, symptoms, tests and special topics. Use alphabetically or through the search function. The site also features significant current news stories and a variety of other resources.

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Bookshelf. A collection of searchable biomedical books for the Web. Illustrated, in HTML. Medical issues covered include asthma, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, & retroviruses. There are also more general works on topics including the Cell, Developmental Biology, Glycobiology, Genes and Disease, Immunobiology and Neurochemistry. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=Books

Freebooks for doctors
Site dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical books over the Internet. 550+ books to read online in English, French, German & Spanish, plus a few titles in Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian & Turkish. Various influenza reports are timely.

Handhelds for Doctors. Read the text free. A paperback version is also available for purchase.

New Mesothelioma Cancer Cente r A US-based website providing more than 3000 pages of information and resources for families of those diagnosed with asbestos-induced cancer (see Mesothelioma causes ). The centre also provides several free books via email about the dangers of asbestos exposure, and how to cope with an asbestos cancer diagnosis. They include Lean on Me - Cancer through a Carer's Eyes and 100 Questions & Answers About Mesothelioma . Most resources are currently online in HTML, but will also become available as downloadable PDFs.

New Rhinoplasty To have a good nose at PDF's and other articles on this subject, from renowned nasal plastic surgeon Dr. Babak Azizzadeh of Beverly Hills, California visit:

New Surgery Investigations (2nd edition) A range of laboratory (urine, blood, renal, liver etc), radiological, biliary, gastrointestinal, urological and other major investigations described concisely. This valuable resource by kind permission of Prof. Muhammad Shuja Tahir, FRCSEd, FCPS, Professor of Surgery at Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad. Each section available as a separate PDF.

New Migration

Canada Immigration have sponsored the book "How to Live on 24 Hours A Day". In it, author Arthur Bennett addresses the issue of "salarymen" living stultifying lives doing jobs they do not enjoy, or hate. He urges them to seize their extra time & and make the most of it to improve themselves, by such means as reading great literature, taking an interest in the arts, reflecting on life, and learning self-discipline. Read more by downloading the PDF at:

Military History
Richard Jensen offers a large page oflinks to a wide variety of resources in this subject area, from ancient times to present day. Jensen is an American scholar (retired Professor of History) http://tigger.uic.edu/%7Erjensen/military.html

Nostradamus novel: The Greatest Sinner Ever by Eric Mellema. Has interesting insights into the momentous 16th century. In English, Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish, either as a PDF file or online in HTML.

Personal & Business Finance

Debt Managemen t
A debt management company provides free downloads on some debt and credit related topics. More may follow. In PDF format for the Adobe Reader.

New FX This complimentary Japanese e-book offers to teach you how to kick start your financial trading career. "The Beginner's Guide to CFD Trading" is from FXOnline, a leading Japanese financial services agency, but English-speaking visitors may prefer to view a translated version of the site at www.fxonline.co.jp/en/ . Note their warning: "Only trade with money you can afford to lose." To download the English e-book version, in PDF format, please visit:

New High Risk Merchant Account " Certain Success "? A nice idea, and also the title of a classic by Norval A. Hawkins, reputedly the greatest marketing and sales guru of the 1920's. Techniques such as personal branding, salesmanship, and awareness of the characteristics needed to succeed could propel you to a new level of business skill. Available for download in ePub, PDF and a score or so more formats at:

Personal Motivation/Inspiration

The 7 Keys to Success . Inspirational text, as a .pdf file for online or offline reading. From Will Edwards of White Dove Books.

New Wholesale 29 Leadership Secrets At the base of this intriguing, family-owned, UK wholesaler's clearance page you'll find a free PDF file. It's an e-book by Jack Welch, promising to reveal visionary leadership secrets and proven & superior management tactics. Download at::

Your Guidance.com offers e-books on Self Improvement, especially regarding the "Law of Attraction". This site, which debuted in December 2008, has texts available as PDFs or compressed (ZIP) files.

New Memorable Quotes . From someone calling himself "Archangel Michael", an illustrated e-book available for download as a zipped file.

New Create Your Business Listing The Art of Public Speaking, by Dale Carnegie (author of the classic "How to Win Friends and Influence People") is a summation of over 150,000 speeches and almost as many speakers. For your reading enjoyment, as a direct download in PDF format at:

New Gumball Machines Contributed by the gumball machine gurus at the Gumball Machine Warehouse, "Self Help" by Samuel Smiles has been an enticing motivational force for readers since its release in 1859. The Self Help" classic e-book encourages readers to reach higher levels of personal and professional potential by promoting the virtues of hard work, perseverance and financial responsibility, using real life examples still relevant today. Download as a zip file from:


e-Booklets about Pets A range of mammals, reptiles, fish and birds are covered in these free illustrated short booklets, courtesy of a Houston, Texas online " pet superstore". A boon for beginners. Download in PDF format for the Adobe Reader.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Alphabetical and searchable. A voluntary academic effort. www.utm.edu/research/iep /

Physical Fitness, Health and Exercise

Classic fitness and weight training e-Books Learn how the original bodybuilding masters trained. Includes Eugen Sandow's "Sandow on Physical Training," Sandow's "Strength and How To Obtain It," and Edwin Checkley's "A Natural Method of Physical Training." As PDF downloads, with useful HTML introductions online. Available under a Creative Commons 3.0 US Licence.

Isagenix You've only got one body, so it helps to treat it right by developing healthy habits for life. This free health and fitness e-book delves into the scientific value of healthy living and physical exercise. It also provides information about the "Isagenix three step cleansing process", said to have helped hundreds of thousands transform their lives. Download directly in PDF format from: www.burnfatbycleansing.com/Healthy-Eating-and-Physical-Exercise.pdf

New Politics and Diplomacy

SEO Company Machiavellian - ever wondered about that word? It comes from the name of Nicolo Machiavelli , whose treatise "The Prince" was written in 1513 but is still highly relevant today, & is hailed as a must read guide on the arts of politics and diplomacy. Download in PDF form at:

New Real Estate

Jupiter Real Estate Most people regard buying a home as their single biggest potential investment - and debt. This small but useful, free real estate guide shows how to set and achieve your property goals, including finding a property, obtaining finance, and sales negotiation. Includes a very handy glossary. Download the PDF at:

New Romance
From African-American writer Sylvia Hubbard, two romance novels available free in no less than 7 formats. Suitable for mature readers only.
Love Like This www.smashwords.com/books/view/1191
Road To Freedom www.smashwords.com/books/view/918

Ilmu pengetahuan

The Public Library of Science is provided by "a non-profit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource". PLoS will publish its own journals. So far there is PLoS Biology (a monthly, launched October 2003, both online and in print). PLoS Medicine is to follow during 2004. Formats used are HTML & PDF.

E-Library of Science Mathematics e-books; plus a few economics, linguistics, philosophy, physics and other titles. In pdf format (use the Adobe Reader).

Science Fiction/Fantasy, & Horror

Doctor Who e-books. Never screened, these Seventh Doctor stories from1992-1997 are a rare treasure from the friendly folk at the BBC. Online, by page in SHTML, or in plain text chapters if you wish to print them out.

Online since August 1997, UK-based Infinity Plus publishes some original fiction, but mostly republishes those short stories & other shorter works you're always trying to find again. With extra input from many writers that you may not see anywhere else. As such, this wonderful archive is a boon to devotees. Online in HTML, or you can save them ('Save as...') to read off-line. However please remember they remain copyright for all purposes other than simple reading.

SF/Fantasy e-books & assistance for the physically impaired. ReadAssist is an organization of Science Fiction and Fantasy fans with an easy-to-use site streamlined to assist those with physical disabilities. They provide links to sources of both free and purchasable written and audio e-books, in those genres. Further links are to software & hardware of use to those with impaired mobility or vision.

Gormglaith, by Heidi Wyss. 76,000 words of radical feminist separatist literature set in what is claimed to be a scientifically plausible future. Aesthetically presented for online reading.

Godspawn, by A. Zoic. A prophetic title with a human clone hero. Written at sunny Balmoral Beach in Sydney, & available in no less than 11 formats. Worth visiting the site for the impressive audio-visual opening alone (Active X controls must be enabled -if you get a blank site, check your browser settings).
www.Godspawn.com /

Grotesque, A Gothic Epic, by Graven. An intense, illustrated Gothic novel about religion and the Black Death. With animated sound effects, online in HTML plus. Excellently presented, but with its gruesome theme not for the faint-hearted.

Maggots of Heresy. Fantasy set in an alternate universe, where in medieval Baghdad the women rule and have multiple husbands. There's something to amuse or offend everyone, and possibly provoke some thought, in this new novel by Australian Michael Fridman. As a .pdf download.

The Mantooth, by Christopher Leadem. This modern American writer has made several of his Science Fiction/Fantasy novels available to read online in HTML, or download in RTF format. His site provides free music too.

Oberheim (Voices). Another free SF/F title from Chris. Leadem.

FreeBookSearch.net This site gives Google alternatives to search for free books by Simple Search (author or title), Advanced Search (will reveal related references), or by Extended Search (five types of files: doc, chm, PDF, RTF and plain text). You can also search by a variety of digital libraries. WARNING: Searches may show pirated files also. Responsibility lies with the user to ensure copyright is not violated. If in doubt, don't download -. digital theft is still theft.

New Yurop.It Peter from Italy has a site allowing you to search selectively for files such as books by PDF, Microsoft Word, HTML, mp3 audio, Excel, Powerpoint or Image formats. Plus, by specific language and then by country or region as well. NB: User responsibility to ensure results are legitimate sources & not pirated. Nifty!

Something different
Welcome to the GUIOPERA, an ambitious and unusual story with an internationalist cast of characters. There's a Pacific Islander who speaks through an illiterate in America, plus French, Italian, Russian & African influences and the proverbial more. To read online. A little bit naïf, a little bit William Burroughs?

Technical Books
Technical Reports Online
"The Virtual Technical Reports Center". Links to technical reports, preprints, reprints, dissertations, theses, and research reports of all kinds, as either full-text reports or searchable extended abstracts.

Free tech books Reviews of & links to author/publisher sites offering online computer science/engineering/programming & mathematics books, textbooks and lecture notes. Please note terms and conditions on each site . ..

A US site linking to free online technical books on subjects including computer sciences, medicine, electronics & mathematics. Books and articles are readable in your Web browser .

Encyclopedia of Television. Includes more than 1,000 essays examining programmes, people, historic moments and trends, disputes, scandals and much else in the saga of the small screen. Also contains histories of major TV networks and broadcasting systems around the world, plus resource materials, photos and bibliographical information.

Travel Universal Currency Converter. (Previous e-book version not currently available).

Free Maltese travel e-books
Valletta Guide Maps, Cottonera Cultural Guide, Valletta Official AudioGuide (in 4 languages). Explore Malta's history and rich cultural heritage. All as zip files. Thanks to Lawrence Saliba.

USA: Declaration of Independence , US Constitution, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address and much more. US Declaration of Independence available in many formats: for viewing online in HTML, in plain text, in images of an original copy, as a PDF, in PRC format for a Palm device or Kindle, and in Spanish. Also (under the Documents link) a goodly range of important documents relevant to US history from as far back as Magna Charta up to the present day. www.usconstitution.net/choose.htm l

Website Development Rick Rouse provides several free e-books, downloadable as zip files, for webmasters. They include How To Get Thousands Of Links To Your Website and How To Triple Your Website Traffic Every 90 Days under the heading Webmaster Freebies. Also some useful software for webmasters.

William Blake Archive Literary and visual works by William Blake and his circle. Includes fully searchable and scalable electronic editions of all of Blake's 19 illuminated works. In HTML & SGML. With Biography, Glossary, and Chronology. Sponsored by the US Library of Congress, with some high-powered support.

Sacred Texts & Religion

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian Pantheon Names
Descriptions & other information on the gods of old Egypt.

Egyptian Book of the Dead - The Papyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead. www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Books/Papyrus_Ani.html

Ra and the Serpent Egyptian myth of creation.

Asian Classic Texts
The Asian Classics Input Project works to preserve disappearing books containing the great ideas of the Eastern half of humanity, and to make these books and ideas accessible to the world at large. Downloadable mainly as zipped text & rtf files. Includes ACIP Release V: World.Wide.Wisdom . Over 200 previously unreleased titles from the classics of traditional Asian philosophy in the Tibetan language.


Bahá'í Sacred Writings and other books, articles etc. To read online, or downloadable as text, rtf or Word documents. A Baha'i library Online.

The Kitáb-i-Aqdas

The Kitáb-i-Iqán

the Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah in HTML, with a FLASH version also. Both at: www.upliftingwords.org/writings/hiddenwords


BuddhaNet These Buddhist texts may be read online with the Adobe Reader or variants thereof. Texts are presently available in English (UK & US variants), French, German, Spanish & Japanese. The texts may also be downloaded as zipped .pdf files to read offline.

Buddhist Reading Room Sutras & other content for online reading in HTML. Includes Dharma Stories, lessons, verses, poems.

Hundred Mountain Reading Room Excerpts from Buddhist books and articles, plus notes, talks and verses.

Online Dharma Resources
Provides access to an extensive collection of Buddhist texts and information across the range of Buddhist schools and traditions (Theravada, Mahayana, Tibetan/Vajrayana, Zen, Chan, Pure Land, Jodo Shinshu, and Korean Buddhism).

Sacred Texts: Buddhism
In English, for reading online. Includes modern (early 20th century) compilations of the Buddhist Canon, plus texts of Northern & Southern Buddhist schools,Tibetian Buddhism and much else.

More Buddhist e-books and resources for online reading.

Cao Dai
Centre for Studies in Caodaism (Sydney )
Online full text Cao Dai scriptures & books, articles, images,& audio-visuals, in Vietnamese, French & English. Includes information on the history, organization, philosophy and practice of Caodaism. An Australian archive in HTML, thanks to Cong-Tam Dao of the University of Sydney.


The Holy Bible (King James version) for online reading.

The NET Bible (New English Translation) a completely new translation of the Bible. Includes many thousands of hyperlinked (clickable) translator's notes (which may include theological opinion). Online in HTML. Courtesy of bible.org.

The Bible, New International Version Online, in individual chapters.
UK version: www.biblegateway.com/versions/index.php?action=getVersionInfo&vid=64#booklist/
US version www.biblegateway.com/versions/index.php?action=getVersionInfo&vid=31#booklist/
Note usage restrictions as explained at the top of the Biblegateway webpage.

The Holy Bible, Douay-Rheims Version , in HTML

New American Bible, from United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in HTML

Old & New Testaments of the Bible formatted for your mobile device or mobile/cell phone. Old Testament & New Testament as one download each. King James version.

Latin Vulgate Bible, for Palm
This I.8MB .prc file download requires a Palm DOC reader. Find under "L" in the many Bible versions available free at:

Old and New Testament books in groups , in PilotDoc format, zipped. www.antioch.com.sg/edgar/bibledoc.html

New Testament TNIV version to search, browse and read online, in plain text.

Search the TNIV Bible

Passage Kata Kunci
Bible Downloads for Palm OS, Pocket PC, Smartphone and some Symbian devices A variety of Bible versions, plus reader software, available in English, plus Albanian, Arabic, Basque, Byzantine & modern Greek, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog. Also other historical versions eg, Wyclif Bible. Many other free Christian resources here, plus others available to buy.

The Bible, text search of New International Version , in 19 languages.

The Bible, text search of Revised Standard Version

The Bible, text search of New American Standard Version

Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Huge collection of significant Christian works. Especially in English, but with some Russian & Chinese e-texts, plus a few in Latin, Greek, French, German, Czech, Italian & Spanish. Many In ThML (Theological Markup Language, an XML variant), or in HTML. Also as online facsimile, plain text, Open eBook, Palm DocBook, or Microsoft Reader formats. Some MP3 audio files also. Browse collection by author, title, subject, language, format or tag. From Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Missouri.

Christian Latin - Online versions of Christian Latin texts from Abelard to Thomas à Kempis.

The Catholic Encyclopedia (1914 edition), for online reading or consultation. Hyperlinked.

Some Catholic devotional works formatted for Palm OS and MS Word.

Project Wittenberg Works by and about Martin Luther and other Lutherans.

Project Wittenberg's Lutheran Electronic Archive : gives priority to documents written by Luther or about Luther. Documents by other Lutherans and Lutheran churches or organizations are produced to a lesser extent. The majority of the works are in HTML or text format.

The Walther Library also provides links to a broader range of Protestant and Lutheran works at:

Orthodox Church The St. Pachomius Library, an encyclopædia of Orthodox Christianity. Dalam HTML.
Note: For an explanation of the current relationships among the Coptic, Eastern Orthodox and Ethiopian churches see: http://mb-soft.com/believe/txn/coptic.htm

Early Christian Writings : New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers. Dalam HTML. Some 150 texts here, a substantial collection.

The Ecole Initiative - a "Hypertext Encyclopedia of Early Church History," up to the Reformation. This site is archival in nature. It contains Short Essays, Long Essays and a cross-indexed timeline.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ( Mormons) The Book of Mormon,
online by chapters in HTML. Downloadable version (.pdb file) for Palm & Windows CE devices also available. Other Mormon e-texts here too, viz. Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, Study Helps.

The Gospel of Thomas The "Scholars' Translation" of the Gospel of Thomas, by Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer.

Gospel of Thomas commentary

T he Gnostic Society Library A comprehensive collection of Gnostic texts online. Over a thousand translated documents, including all major Gnostic writings and anti-Gnostic patristic texts. Also audio lectures in RealAudio &mp3 formats. All the texts may be searched across using the Gnosis Archive Index search engine .

Ecclesiastical calendar conversion. Warning - this gets complicated.

Desiderata - Meaning, that which is to be desired. Much concentrated & timeless wisdom here. Click on the image to read the words below.

Epic of Gilgamesh Summary of the fullest version of the ancient text, written by the oldest-known named human author, Shin-eqi-unninni. This version derived from twelve stone tablets in the Akkadian language found at Nineveh in the ruins of the library of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria 669-633 BC


The Vedas - claimed to be mankind's oldest scriptures, and considered by Hindus to be a direct revelation of God. Read online in HTML. In 7 parts and 21 chapters. English translation by Professor Raimon Panikkar. Click on the Vedic Experience link.
Collection of online HTML Hindu e-books and PDFs, many free.
www.himalayanacademy.com/resources /

Bhagavad-Gita. In audio versions in16 languages, or as HTML in English only.

Dharmic Scriptures . This page at present contains the four Vedas as a zipped Word file for downloading, plus Vedas Exerpts , Vedic Samhitas & Brahmanas Introduction , and the Upanishads , as Word files. Plus over 200 Upanishads and some Puranas as pdfs, with more planned, and the Puranas in English as a zipped file.

Upanishads - The Texts “Upanishad” means, “be seated at the feet of the Guru to receive the teaching.“ Available individually online, or downloadable gathered as one PDF file. www.naiveinspirations.com/

Upanishads - Transliteration Key

Dvaita Text Resources Some classic Hindu texts as PDF files in Sanskrit, some with Roman script versions. Some audio lectures as streaming mp3 also.

Hindu Insights Many mini-texts on Hinduism for reading on this award-winning site.

Ars Floreat
A number of spiritual and sacred texts, including the Bible, the Koran, Plato and some Hindu scriptures, presented in Dutch, from an overall philosophical basis of the Advaita Vedanta tradition of India. In PDF.

The Tolerance of Hinduism by Jagdish R. Singh . A novel illustrating precepts and principles of Hinduism. As a PDF.


The Koran (Qur'an)

The Qur'an, in four side-by-side English translations; plus versions in up to twenty other languages. Available by chapters for online reading.

The Koran An electronically scanned version of MH Shakir's English translation of the Holy Qur'an, as published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in searchable SGML form.

The Koran in the original Arabic, downloadable as a full e-reader software program with support for various fonts and font sizes, 2D animations, MP3 audio sounds, search engine, text color, underline color, tags etc, as prepared by Samir Alicehajic of Zagreb, Croatia. English and German translations are included in the "Islam 7.02" version software. Bosnian, Dutch, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese & Turkish translations which may be imported into the above software are also available. An online HTML English Koran translation, plus Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) also feature on this site.

Holy Qur'an Viewer , version 2.7. Supports Multiple Qur'an Languages, Remote Recitation, Manuscripts. Size: 4.21 MB, an .exe file. Platform: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000.

Hadith Viewer Free Multilingual Hadith software as developed by Jamal Al-Nasir. Full Arabic text of Ahadith agreed upon by Imam's Bukhari and Muslim is built into this Hadith Viewer, along with an English translation. English translation of a collection of over 1900 Ahadith compiled by Imam Nawawi also provided. Supports plug-in Hadith collections in different languages.

Hadith (Sayings and Traditions ) A variety of texts online in HTML, some audio also.

Stories of the Prophets (as a : 2.65 MB Self Extracting EXE file).

International Islamic Digital Library "An ambitious project to create a centralized repository of knowledge on Islam and the Muslim communities which is authoritative, comprehensible & reliable".
This Malaysian initiative includes books, manuscripts, multimedia, theses, articles & conference papers. Users need to register.

Islam Denounces Terrorism , Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil, and other free titles available as online e-books in HTML or download as .pdf files.

Harun Yahya Islamic books online in HTML, from noted Turkish author Harun Yahya. Many titles available in English here. Other languages accessible from the site. www.harunyahya.com/m_book_index.php

Shi'ite Encyclopedia (Revised 2001 edition). View online in HTML. Or download chapter by chapter in Text or MS Word, or the entire encyclopedia as a zipped file.

The Tragedy of Al-Zahra' by Ayatollah`Allama Sayyid Ja'far Murtada al-`Amili, translated from the Arabic by Yasin T. al-Jibouri (Al-Zahra' refers to Fatima, only daughter of the prophet Muhammed, who became the wife of the Imam Ali). Online dalam HTML.

Islamic e-books (currently seven, more are planned) are offered here in English for downloading in PDF format. From the "Islamic Occasions Network".

Sufism, the Way of the Heart
"The Ways to God are as numerous as the breaths of humankind." -Sufi Tradition.

Sufiportal. Sufi e-books in German and English.

Selections from the Diwan of Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/diwan.html

The Hikam of Ibn 'Ata'llah

The Jaina Sutras - Akaranga Sutra and Kalpa Sutra, plus a variety of other Jain texts.
Online in plain text and HTML.


Note: The Hebrew Bible or Tanakh is roughly equivalent to the Christian Old Testament, and has three parts, Torah, Nevi'im & Ketuvim. The Torah , in the narrow sense (the Written Torah) is the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. The Nevi'im are the Prophets - Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Twelve Minor Prophets. The Ketuvim is the Writings, including Psalms and Proverbs, Esther and Ecclesiastes, Daniel, Chronicles, Ruth, and the love poetry of Song of Songs. If you take the T (from Torah), the N (from Nevi'im) and the K (from Ketuvim), and put them together in one word, you have TNK. Add some vowels and it becomes the Tanakh.Text versions of the Torah, Nevi'im & Ketuvim are available in English with some useful further information at:

Two other English translations, including a useful scholarly version (Kaplan) with hyperlinked translator's notes. Hebrew and Aramaic versions should be available from this site also, www.breslov.com/bible/

The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) in four HTML language editions - Hebrew, Aramaic, English and parallel Hebrew and English. Zipped version available for download. Book-by-book printer-friendly version and MP3 recordings of the books of the Hebrew Bible also provided, plus The JPS Bible for the Palm Pilot. A Torah encyclopedia as well, in a single ZIP in English, and other Torah resources, all from:

Jewish Torah Audio . Hundreds of hours of commentary, stories, poetry etc, all in RealAudio or downloadable audio format, plus some text. Describes itself as "The first world-wide Jewish audio since Mount Sinai".

Divrei Torah -- Commentaries . Many sources online - provides links to a huge variety of divrei torah.

Seforim e-books
Hundreds of seforim (Hebrew books by rabbis) as Adobe .pdfs.

SeforimOnline.org also distribute old and out of print Hebrew books in PDf for free. As well there are some audio shiurim as mp3 files.
http:// www.seforimonline.org

Myths & Legends

Encyclopedia Mythica


One Proverb
A collection of illuminating proverbs and sayings from around the world, available in two ways. Firstly, provides random proverbs and sayings online in HTML. Also as free e-books for Palm eReader, MobiPocket and iSilo readers, and (in beta) for iPods.

Sprituality (various)

Advaita (Non-duality) Spiritual e-books Including Nothing Personal, Living from the Heart , Beyond No Self' and Gifts with No Giver . Available as PDFs for download, or elsewhere on the site to read online in HTML format.

Ishaya Tradition Offers 5 e-books referring to the Ascension meditation technique of this group, claiming spiritual lineage from the Apostle John. As PDF files for download.

Pantheism The religion of nature. Basic beliefs and Belief statement.

Religion of Expressionism (Chiropractic) A 5.27Mb PDF download requiring the Adobe Reader.

Science and Health with the Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, to read online in HTML

Spiritwatch Around a dozen free e-books available (link at top) covering a range of New Age, Psychic and Spiritual subjects and life issues. Reincarnation and karma are major themes. Online dalam HTML.

Summum Bonum The return of Amen Ra. Online in HTML, or downloadable as a self-extracting .exe file (instructions on site) for Windows, Macintosh, Palm &Pocket PC. www.summum.us/philosophy/book.shtml

Theosophical texts online
A large collection in plain text, including books by Blavatsky, Judge, Tingley, Purucker, and others; introductory manuals on theosophy and material on the world's sacred traditions.

The Milk Is White A synthesis of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and the author's own insights. This book is a very large file (almost 3 MB in Word, 1.7 MB in PDF), so if you don't have broadband patience is required - one of the virtues extolled here. In Microsoft Word format and PDF; may be opened while online or saved to your hard disk.

The Kojiki (excerpts), the Nihongi (excerpts), the Yengishiki (Shinto Rituals). Plus The Book of Tea & other texts.
www.sacred-texts.com/shi /

Shri Guru Granth Sahib in text form, the thirty one ragas.

Select writings - IN HTML, English with Sanskrit.


The Tao Te Ching online, in English. Plus the Chuang-tzu, I Ching and other works. Further links to a wide variety of Taoist texts and commentaries.

Zen/Western Zen

Zen Buddhism A treasury of Zen texts. In html or plain text.

Zen Guide Koans, stories & collected words online. Pithy and provocative. In plain text.

The Tao Of Programming & much else
Modern internationalism -from Russia with love, in English, some classic & Modern Zen texts.

Zen Fun
Sparkling haiku casting those horror messages from your PC's operating system into a more spiritual plane of thought.


Zoroastrian Archives. Provide the complete text of the Avesta, the most ancient scriptures of Zoroastrianism, as well as many Pahlavi scriptures. It also includes information about the Avestan language, and other useful information for students of Zoroastrian religion.

The Meaning of Life Coming soon.


Note: If there are sacred texts you cannot locate, try The Internet Sacred Text Archive at:

NB : New notations are not used in the Sacred Texts/Religion section.

Format notes :

* HTML versions of books can be read on your personal computer, laptop, netbook, iPad etc, using any web browser, or various other software if you prefer. They may also be downloaded to many handheld devices, eg various Palm OS devices, the Rocket eBook, the Franklin eBookman, Smartphones and others. You should follow the directions that come with your device.

*Books formatted in PDF may be read with the Adobe Reader (or older versions such as the Adobe Acrobat Reader & the Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader). There are also Adobe Reader versions available for mobile devices - different versions for Palm OS & Windows CE devices. Other softwares also exist for PDF files.

*For titles presented in the Microsoft Reader format use the Microsoft Reader software.

*For Palm & Palm Doc format e-books you can use the (Palm) eReader (formerly Peanut Reader).

* Downloads that are zipped generally require use of one of a variety of unzipping softwares before reading, or they may be "self extracting". If in doubt click the downloaded folder & read the help notes.

All of this software and more is available free (in at least basic versions) from download links on our Software page , where you will also find further format information. Some deluxe reader software versions, and other varieties of software, may require purchase.



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