Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Articulate Studio 09 : Empowering Rapid E-Learning

Aplikasi bagus untuk membuat flash presentasi media belajar baik manual, kamus maupun quiz. Mudah dan gampang, anda tinggal menyediakan bahannya. Masukan dan rasakan kemudahan dan keindahannya.

With e-learning software tools that empower anyone to quickly and easily create engaging courses, presentations, quizzes, and surveys, everyone ends up looking good. At Articulate, our mission is simple. We make everyone involved in organizational e-learning — subject matter experts, trainers, and instructional designers — into teaching and training heroes.

Start exploring how our e-learning tools can dramatically improve your training effectiveness today.

Articulate is the rock star of the e-learning world. Compared to what I have become used to with other e-learning vendors, Articulate is a breath of fresh air.

We've selected Articulate Rapid E-Learning Studio and we've never looked back. From the beginning, we loved how easy it was to use while still providing a range of powerful features. Using it, we've been able to reduce the time it takes us to deliver training from months to days.

We chose Articulate over other programs because Articulate offered all the features of the really expensive programs, at a much more reasonable price. The less expensive programs didn't have anywhere near the features, personality, support, or ease of Articulate.

We performed a very thorough evaluation of Articulate's products and found that they were clearly the best-in-class. Articulate's products are not only technically sound, but remarkably easy to use too.

Engage is knocking my socks off! Kudos to you guys at Articulate for making such a wonderfully user-friendly application that produces such excellent results. I LOVE this product.

We've been using your products and haven't yet had to ask for assistance from our own technical support or yours. Now that's the way software is supposed to work.

Download trial 30 hari full version. (80 MB)

7 komentar

  1. スタービーチの出合いは他の出合い系サイトのものよりも確実に良い思いができるのは間違いありません。新しい出合いを求めたいと思っているのなら当サイトを利用してください。損はさせませんよ

  2. スタービーチで始まる素敵な出 合いをしていきませんか。楽しめる出 合いを経験するにはココから始まる!!最高の出 合いがあなたを待っている

  3. スタービーチで自分好みのパートナーを見つけよう!会員数が多い当サイトだから出来る、新しい出会いから夏の思い出を作ろう

  4. 人気沸騰中のモバゲーなら気軽に友達、恋人が見つかる!オフ会ですぐに会えちゃいます

  5. マイルチャンピオンシップ 2010 一般には漏れないデータを極秘公開。まさかの新事実が発覚!

  6. 今、本当に出会える掲示板はデコログ!密かに芸能人も愛用しているので友達になれちゃうかも!ガンガン出会えるデコログをぜひ一度ご利用ください!

  7. もうすぐバレンタイン気になる相手には高価なプレゼントをしたくなるもの!このサイトで短期でびっくりするくらい稼いじゃって下さい


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